No man is an island

If you eliminate me from the biodiversity that's gonna make zero impact on the life cycle of this planet...but....if you eliminate the ecosystem around me and put me on some aloof place then that's definitely gonna affect my existence.
No man's saying of " A human can survive in worst of conditions " can bring any justice to the type of treatment done to me.
You wanna know why, it is just because the ecosystem and me are interdependent. Only that I need it more than it needs me.
My people, infrastructure, atmosphere, my books, shoes, clothes, coffee, cell all make so much sense when they are at the right place and more importantly when I am the right place.
I just cannot wake up any day without my cell beside me, it gives me panic attack. I cannot afford to wear filthy clothes for even an hour, I cannot imagine a single piece of dust on my bed, that horrifies me in literal sense. You might be like these are unnoticeable things which won't create a chaos if they don't exist, well then you didn't read the words panic attack and horrifying.
Yes those are 5% of my living but they occupy like 90% of my behavioural pattern.
Just like these little details there are tons of other elements which makes our lives hell with their absence.
The word independent should be REVOKED at the very least I feel. The word has spread so much conflict in the society that everyone is in an illusion of being independent, when there is nothing as such independent in any one's life. Also the pressure kills.
The phrase has a very strong meaning hidden in it which is essential to be understood in the current working system.
The tag of independent attaches with it the feeling of superiority that is slowly and slowly depleting the whole planet. The best of examples could be found amongst the countries which are "Developed" (independent), who THINK they need nobody while actually they are the ones needing everybody all time or else their manipulative strategies won't work.
When countries couldn't face the island situation who are we to conclude we are self reliant. There is no force which can provide us immense power to breathe alone.
Your emotions are reactions to the activities around you.
Your financial status is reciprocal to your education which most of the times is insufficient.
Your sexual status is incomplete without the right human.
Your thoughts are independent is one the shittiest thought in itself, because you are controlled and influenced each second.
You are not you, you are just filling the void.
I almost listed the top things people assume they are independent at. Well you can judge yourself or me if I am wrong at any point.
Your mind itself cannot function in isolation because the basic functioning of the brain is "reactions to stimuli", so, if there is no stimuli where will be the reaction. You'll become mad all by yourself, you'll fail to prosper and develop.
The whole argument brings us to the point that nothing can exist in isolation. So stop pretending you are all you want and have, start respecting even the mere presence of coriander in your food.
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